IoT software

Possible use cases

Make your IoT data work for all user groups with an enterprise-grade web platform or a consumer mobile app featuring IoT data visualization and smart analytics

Ensure that your IoT data can get into existing enterprise BI platforms and data silos via seamless integrations to guarantee efficient adoption of all new IoT projects

Engage smart IoT networking for admin teams to deploy and manage IoT networks of any complexity. Provide edge and end device visibility and empower maintenance with cloud-based systems and mobile and desktops apps

Optimize, test, and extend your firmware solutions, streamline firmware delivery and update processes, and implement cloud integration services to enable remote IoT management and monitoring

IOT verticals
we serve
Our IoT development company creates custom software solutions for the Internet of Things based on our experience in the following domains
IoT Network management
Software systems for IoT device fleet management and configuration
Industrial IoT
Custom software development for IoT-based monitoring and optimization of industrial processes, equipment maintenance, and asset usage
Asset tracking and micromobility
Software products for building, customizing, and scaling mobility fleets
Building automation and smart home
Multi-component ecosystems for environment monitoring, smart space booking, energy saving, and more
IoT healthcare solutions
Various software solutions to empower both healthcare facility and home based care
Internet of Things
software development services

IoT software development

Build a sophisticated platform for managing IoT infrastructures and handling all of your IoT data or a compact mobile app to provide access only to a small portion of insights that matter to a target group. Turn it into customization-ready branded or white-labeled solution

Cloud IoT migration

Make your IoT devices and networks manageable remotely. We’ll help you select, set up, and optimize an IoT management platform that meets your needs and build all needed infrastructure to make sure your IoT system smoothly integrates with the cloud systems

IoT analytics

Our experts will enhance your IoT system with frameworks for automation, performance optimization, and load testing. Cloud Hawk solution architects will conduct a technical assessment of your existing solutions or PoC and provide an improvement roadmap
Need other services not listed above? Contact us and learn what else we have to offer.
More essentials to deliver
value from the Internet of Things
platforms and tech for custom iot development services

AWS IoT core

microsoft azure iot suite




Native iOS

Native android



IOT data flow stages
we can cover

Collecting IoT data

Injecting and enriching IoT data

Processing and analyzing IoT data

Visualizing IoT data in reports and dashboards

Storing IoT data in data warehouses or lakes



Delve into a step-by-step guide to managing massive device networks and get solutions to challenges you may encounter.


Discover how to develop a software solution for various industries that addresses common challenges and meets user needs.



Learn how comprehensive data management platforms can help manufacturers facilitate and optimize operations.